When should I get a massage??

When you get a massage

One of the most common questions asked about massage therapy is how often you should get a massage. The answer is that it all depends on why you get massages. Do you get massages for health benefits? Do you get massages to help you relax? Included is a list of reasons why people get massages and the recommended number of times you go get a massage for that reason. This should help guide you in determining how often you should get your massages.

Massage for Relaxation 

The first reason to get a massage is for complete relaxation. These massages will provide people with support of their body functions, which includes better blood circulation and flexibility of joints. Regular visits will prevent pain, muscle tension, and stress points from building up. It is recommended that massage therapy for relaxation is scheduled for every three to four months.

Stress Relief

Another common reason to get a massage is for stress relief. There may be times in your life where you experience higher levels of stress and more muscle tension than normal. If you are in a high-stress job or you work in an environment where you stay in a certain position for a long period of time, you may begin to develop tightly-knotted muscles. This will usually occur in your shoulders, arms, and back. Having tightly-knotted muscles will make movement harder and cause a great deal of pain.
Not only that, but having high levels of stress for a prolonged amount of time increases the risk of contracting heart diseases. To help cope with your high stress levels caused by work or by everyday life, it is recommended that you get a massage once or twice a month.

Sports Recovery

Massages help with sports performances and recovery. A lot of athletes and physically active people often get these types of massages because it enhances their performance, prevents injury, and speeds up their muscles’ recovery. Competitive sports puts a lot of stress on a person’s muscles, so massage therapy is used to strengthen their muscles before the activity. This therapy is also used to heal their muscles afterward.
It’s recommended that if you get this type of therapy, you get a massage up to three times a week or at least three times a month.

Chronic Complaints

People with chronic issues often go to get massages for treatment. Chronic issues that would greatly benefit from getting massage therapy include issues with your back, joint pain, and localized inflammation. If you get therapy for specific issues, the frequency of getting massage therapy varies with the type of chronic illness you have and how severe it is.
Relief from your chronic illness can be achieved by going for at least three sessions a week.


Massage in Pregnancy

Women who are pregnant will often get massages. This type of massage is called pregnancy massage and is popular among expectant mothers, who often experience a lot of aches and pains as their pregnancy progresses. A lot of women get aches in their backs and will experience swollen ankles. A certified pregnancy massage therapist can help to relieve those discomforts.
Going to your massage therapist once or twice a month will do the trick on relieving some of these symptoms caused by pregnancy.
There are always other considerations to take before scheduling massage therapy. It is always a good idea to check with your doctor and your massage therapist to ensure that it’s a healthy idea to get massages on a regular basis.

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